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Human Centred Design: The Equitus Way

31 August 2020, 07:05 pm


Our core competencies have a people-centric approach. The idea is to enable people to excel at everything they do. This is reflected in every aspect of our work including how we design things. Today we look at our Human Centred Design philosophy.

The way we practise Human Centred Design is driven by the following factors:

Convert a business problem into a human solution: For example, how do we change thinking from ‘reducing customer support technical calls’ to ‘making our product defect-free and therefore removing the need for customers to call us for tech related problems’.

Our values: Particularly our emphasis on culture, which enables and empowers people, augurs collaboration, is action oriented (we try a lot of things and retain the good bits) and we share ideas without bias or judgement.

Balance: Our ability to balance cognition (interpreting and understanding the world) and emotion (making quick decisions about our surroundings).

Our People Behaviour Experts: study existing behaviours, understand desired behaviours, observe the differences, and help create a conducive environment that encourages desired behaviours, i.e. making the right thing to do, the easiest thing to do.

Our product development process: At its core it has principles of sensitivity to cultural differences, sustainability, mass-customisation, emotional & inclusive design as standard.

UN SDGs: Our commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, enable people to participate rather than just talk about sustainability.

Ready to start a project?

We endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. We are happy to answer your questions.
